Manfred Hauke:
Anthropology and Mariology in Contemporary Theological Discussion:
Common Perspectives and Problems
(FKTh 2013-1, p. 1–21)
In contemporary theology after the Second Vatican Council, various anthropological topics are convenient for a Mariological deepening. The starting point of the article is the conciliar description that presents Mary as type of the Church, based on Patristic ecclesiology. The “spousal” relation of the Church to Christ as its “bridegroom” reflects itself also in the discussion on the relation between ministerial priesthood and the common priesthood of all Christians. Hans Urs von Balthasar, for instance, speaks of the Marian profile, which is fundamental for the Church, and of the Apostolic-Petrine profile. The article records the discussion on Feminist theology, the presentation of Mary as image of the triune God, the tension between transcendental and personalistic anthropology and the position of Mary in the alliance between Christ and the Church. It also focusses studies on the maternity and virginity of Mary, the importance of the “New Eve”, the Immaculate Conception as link to the healthy origin of the human race and finally the eschatological aspect: Maria as “living icon” of humanity that has reached its goal.