Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Artur Zuk:
Five Altars of the Community of Marriage and Family:
an Innovative Model of Spirituality
(FKTh 2013-3, p. 210–222)

Through the responsible „I do-word“ of the spouses will be apparent to the marriage and the whole family special movement spaces of their own – „their“ spirituality, which could be described as a five altars: Altar of the relationship with God, the altar of dialogue, Altar of intimacy, Altar of the social and the altar of the apostolate. It is intentionally the term of the altar and not for example that of the „range“ or „field“ used a direct connection with the social, religious, spiritual spaces yes - produce altar spaces. In this new and practical concept of Christian marriage and family spirituality is also a possible, founded on the basis of the new evangelization, modern spiritual movement of Christian marriages and families.

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