Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Lothar Häberle:
Mission and Tolerance - more Supplement than Oppoisition
(FKTh 2015-1, p. 58–73)

In his apostolic letter »Evangelii gaudium«, Pope Francis looks on the activities of the church from a mission perspective: Not only every diocese, but every parish has to be concentrated on the mission, what means to educate their members, the laity. In this way, the laymen can joyful testify a life near of Christ in the middle of the world. This means for central Europe, there are some conditions to be improved strongly, over all impart catechism programs in different formats and teach religion in public and private schools. – Frequently, tolerance is taken as opposition to mission, wrongly. With a not-relativistic concept of tolerance, mission and tolerance fit to each other more than being opposites.

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