Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Jan Flis:
Gain according to St. Paul in Phil 1,21 und 3,7 f
(FKTh 2016-2, p. 81–91)

The Epistle to the Philippians can in a way be ranked among the »most economical« writings of the New Testament. This is evident because of the multitude of economic termino - logy, e.g. gain (κέρδος), that occurs proportionally most frequently in Philippians; estate (πλούτος); loss (ζηµία); credit (λήµψις) (χρεία); gift (δόοις); be rich (περισσεύω). That is shown most clearly in the two texts: Phil 1,21 and 3,7f. In the first text Paul notes that for him Christ is life and death is true gain.

The second text (3, 7f) illuminates the understanding of gain which is Christ in relation to other values. Paul notes that what Jews and he himself considered as gain are in fact only loss and dung. The highest value in terrestrial life is the knowledge of Christ Jesus, but not only as an intellectual idea but as the personal, lasting and life-giving encounter with the Lord.

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