Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Manfred Hauke:
»Male and Female He Created them« (Gen 1:27)
A Philosophical Approach to Sexual Complementarity
(FKTh 2016-3, p. 161–181)

The Roman Synod of Bishops on the Family underlines the importance of the complementarity in the relation of men and women, in its fundamental role for marriage and family. Parting from the «human ecology« taught by the Encyclical «Laudato si«, with a critical view on ideological approaches (such as Gender feminism), the author shows the importance of a philosophical reflection on the essence (of man and woman). Then he presents the paradigmatic approaches of Edith Stein and Philipp Lersch. Complementarity differs from conceptions that proclaim a lesser value of man or woman or that teach an abstract equality. He puts together the philosophical integration of equality and difference with the biblical theology of alliance, with the communion between Christ and the Church.

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