Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Stefan Würges:
»Holiness« as Spiritual Concept for Marriage and Family
A Neglected Postulate of the Second Vatican Council
(FKTh 2018-3, p. 190–213)

On the basis of his doctoral thesis on the universal vocation to holiness in the Second Vatican Council, the author proposes a synthesis of the texts of the Council which are related to the holiness of marriage and family. This procedure is based on the contextual hermeneutics and on the hermeneutics of continuity. As to marriage and family, Würges parts for his research from the fifth chapter of the Dogmatic constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, and adds to this central chapter of the constitution on the Church the corresponding parts of the relevant texts of the Council. Putting together the affirmations of Gravissimum educationis, Apostolicam actuositatem, Dei Verbum and Sacrosanctum Concilium in a synthesis, we can perceive a spiritual concept for marriage and family which is essentially determined by the topic of holiness and is based on the authority of the Council.

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