Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Manfred Hauke:
The first »apparitions« of the »Gospa« at Medjugorje and their evaluation
A short Status quaestionis
(FKTh 2018-4, p. 262–289)

After the interview of Pope Francis of May 13,2017, during the flight from Fat'ma to Rome, the discussion on the authenticity of the presumed Marian »apparitions« at Medjugoije has been concentrated on the beginning of the phenomenon, especialiy the first seven »apparitions« within the first ten days, presumably recognized by the Commission directed by the Cardinai Ruini as genuine Marian apparitions. The present article parts especialiy from the interviews with the seers registered by the Franciscans of Medjugoije from June 27-30,1981, and describes criticaliy the events of the first ten days (from June 24 until July 3,1981), i.e. the date when the »apparitions«, according to the preannouncement of the »Gospa«, should have terminated. An attentive study of the historical sources shows the impossibillty to circumscribe the phenomenon to the »first seven apparitions«. The theoiogicai evaluation of the phenome non exdudes a supernatural origin. For the beginning of the phenomenon it is probable, on the contrary, to presume a preternatural factor.

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