Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Moll Helmut:
Content and Form of Christian Martyrdom (20/21 th Century)
A Historical Theological Consideration
(FKTh 2018-4, p. 241–261)

Preist Prof. Dr. Heimut Moll, responslble on behalf of the German Bishops Conference for the German Martyrology of the 20th Century, focuses on the meaning of martyrdom from an historical and theological point of vIew. According to the II. Vatican Council maityrdom is seen as a genuine reallzation of the saviors' divine love. Especially Pope Benedikt XVI. em. underlined during his pontificate on several occaslons love as inner content of the Christian understanding of martyrdom. According to the teaching of the church Martyrdom is shaped by three criteria: a. the fact of a violent death, b. the reason of hatred against faith and church on the side of persecutors and c. the conscious acceptance of God's will despite the threat to llfe on the victim's sIde. Commentaries to the ecumenical dimension and to the contemporary theo logical discussion of the topic are bullding concluding remarks.

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