Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Michael Stickelbroeck:
The meritum of Christ and the Faithful according to John Duns Scotus
(FKTh 2019-3, p. 161–173)

In this article I want to consider the possibilities of the moral good and the merit of Ihn free-willed person, and then their realization in Jesus Christ. The goal is thus a christological one. Scotus subdivides in Christ a lower, natural will (voluntas ut natura) and, according to his higher soul-part (anima intellectiva), an upper will, always united to the divine will. According to his higher soul-part, Christ already enjoys the visio during his earthly life, which does not prevent him from producing meritorious acts of infinite value, both with his lower spiritual faculties (voluntas ut natura: sensible strivings, affects, physical suffering) as with his higher ones. On both levels, his actions and sufferings are menu ious. Christ, who was at the same time a comprehensor and a viator, has earned for all of us blessings and eternal life. The meritum that is open to everyone forms in the life of the virgin Mother of God for the subordinate participation in Christ's redemptive merit.

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