Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Ralph Weimann:
What Reforms Do We Need in the Church?
(FKTh 2022-3, p. 174–185)

The demands for reforms in the Church are getting louder, especially in Germany. But which reforms are necessary? A look at history shows that this topic is not a new one, and it is of utmost importance to carefully consider any changes, because bad reforms may lead away from God, they could become a dance around a golden calf. Therefore, the concept of reform must be clarified. It is by no means to be equated with “progress,” a concept for which Marx was the godfather in modern times so that the primacy of praxis and politics came to the fore. Reform in the Christian sense, on the other hand, follows entirely different criteria; it leads to the true form, which is Jesus Christ, and has conversion as its essential standard. It is not a detachment from the truth that liberates, even if it were to be demanded by a majority, but the attachment to the truth, which is God.

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