Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Michael Stickelbroeck:
ls human being a novelty in the sphere of life?
Considerations about a Foundation of Humankind in a Theology of Creation
(FKTh 2021-2, p. 103–112)

The essay examines the anthropological question of whether - according to the current state of knowledge - human beings can be, without a gap, fully integrated into natural history - as a momentum of an animal-human transition field - or whether they enjoy a special position that allows them to be intrinsically different from animals which opens them up to transcendence. In doing so some, critical questions are posed about an ideological evolutionism. It is advocated that in order to overcome a premature concordism, which some theologians have subscribed to, one has to place the theological doctrine of creation anew within a clean, conditional and evidence-based theory of evolution. This allows theological anthropology to distinguish itself in a more superior way.

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