Vierteljahresschrift für das Gesamtgebiet der katholischen Theologie
Begründet von Kardinal Leo Scheffczyk • ISSN 0178-1626


Michael Wladika:
The Unconditionally Transcendent God and the Many Differentiated Angels of the Nations
(FKTh 2024-3, p. 200–207)

In order to spell out the relation between religion and nation correctly, the first necessary step is to think the one transcendent God, the God radically not of this world. It is only in this way that a standpoint is reached which makes possible stable evaluation and grasping of the rest, the many, the things of this world. This corresponds to the absolute priority of God in relation to human beings and communities. And this in turn radically relativizes the complete political field. In the and via the relatedness to the transcendent and one God all worldly, human, political, national differences are away. But: Only in this and via this relatedness. Not independently of it or in any other points as such. So: With regard to God, we are one. Because there is only one God. Not with regard to each other. Because we are many. If the nations are subordinated and directed to the Civitas Dei, then there is on a basic level no problem with our loyalty to one nation. This is then also visible in the thinking of the angels of the nations.

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